A sustainable
response to the pandemic

MintBox started with a group of eighth graders looking to solve the supply chain issues engendered by the pandemic and eager to learn how to garden. Behind Zoom screens we started tinkering, building window-sill gardens with the mission of creating products to help people grow fresh vegetables from home....

The Seed

Starting as a school project

Founded during the height of the pandemic, MintBox started as a passion project over summer break. After winning a Seedbank grant, we began designing and hand-producing our first gardening kit, the Baby Sprout. Our initial launch included 25 kits, which sold out instantly in-person and online.

The Sprout

Building and selling kits

After a successful launch, we manufactured 100 new Baby Sprout gardening kits, implementing feedback from our customers. We spent the summer at the Union Square Park Farmers' market as a vendor, selling our kits, growing our online presence to over 2,000 followers, and brainstorming and designing new gardening products.

The Growth

A community-centered future

We yearned to have a bigger impact on our community and addressing limited access to health food and fresh produce experienced New Yorkers across the City. With the help of Avenues elementary school teachers, we modified the Baby Sprout into an educational curriculum on plant science and nutrition. Partnering with two local organizations, the Hudson Guild and Covenant Houses, our recent initiatives have focused on donating our kits to underserved communities and working with community members to build helpful gardening solutions.

Our Team

Ethan Seiz


Zenchang Sun

Co-Founder/CFO & Head of Engineering

William Wang

Co-Founder/Head of Content

Haider Irshad

Co-Founder/Program Director

Dexter Greene

Product Manufacturing Lead

Ronak Gupta

Product Manufacturing

Sangkay Tsering

Product Manufacturing