Democratizing access
to healthy food.

Founded and run by high school students, MintBox aims to create sustainable gardening products to increase nutritional awareness and access to fresh produce in NYC.

Our Story Recent Initiatives

Programs & Products

Baby Sprout

An easy-to-use gardening kit for growing herbs in limited-space environments.

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An indoor gardening planter for growing fruits and vegetables that waters itself.

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Baby Sprout

A hands-on learning tool that teaches youth about plant science and nutrition through sustainable gardening practices.

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Hudson Guild

A Chelsea-based recreational center that we work with to donate our gardening kits and planters to those in need.

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Covenant Houses

Youth homeless shelters in NYC that we work with to donate gardening kits & planters to those in need.

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Avenues School

We work with Avenues elementary school classes to test and develop our educational tools.

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Impact by the numbers


Dollars fundraised from selling our gardening kits online and at our farmer's market pop-up shops.


Baby Sprout kits sold and donated to local schools and community shelters working in collaboration with our partnerships.


Custom self-watering gardening planters designed to the specifications of our partnership directors and members.

Want to learn more?

Send us an email and/or follow us on instagram!